Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

Berlian ku Lian Satu

Cerita ini bukan cerita tentang seorang maling kelas kakap yang berhasil menemukan sebongkah berlian dari rumah incarannya tetapi ini adalah kisah perjalanan cinta tentang pertemuan seorang Budi, bocah ingusan, dekil dan nakal dengan gadis yang kini sedang menjalin sebuah hubungan yang cukup serius.
Mereka berdua memutuskan untuk menjalin sebuah hubungan saat mereka sama-sama duduk di bangku SMA. Dia adalah gadis yang untuk pertama kalinya Budi jadikan sebagai pasangan serius. Meski Budi adalah bocah ingusan, dekil dan cukup nakal dikelasnya, tapi untuk urusan hati dia memang jagonya. Apalagi Budi dikenal dengan seorang bocah yang suka sekali membuat gaduh kelasnya dengan banyolan dan tingkah laku konyolnya. Jadi tidak heran, beberapa perempuan di masanya sempat menaruh hati pada Budi yang baik dan mudah sekali membuat kawannya tertawa. 

Jumat, 24 April 2015

Gimana sih caranya biar keliatan pinter ngomong bahasa inggris?

Hampir kebanyakan orang kalau udah liat orang yang ngomong bahasa inggrisnya lancar pasti berpikir kalau orang itu pinter bahasa inggris. Ya sebenanya memang ada benarnya juga tapi ya ga sepenuhnya benar. Sebenarnya bagi beberapa orang, belajar ngomong bahasa inggris dengan lancar itu kuncinya ada di seberapa banyak kita tau kalimat-kalimat yang sering dipakai saat ngobrol dan berani salah.

Kamis, 23 April 2015

The reason why travel as part of education is very useful for student


Did u know that travel can be part of education? In education side, there is kind of learning media and traveling is one of them. A simple example is Study tour. Study tour is a variant and learning method except learning activity in the school. Study tour is the activity of going from one place to another place for study or searching the information of that place.  By traveling or study tour we can learn in the place directly. There are several aspects that explain doing travel is useful especially for student.

Rabu, 22 April 2015

Causes of people are lazy to do sport.


Lazy to do something is a normal and of course it happens to everyone and also in the sport. But nowadays in globalization era, many people are lazy to do sport and forget how to keep their body stay healthy. We know that one of hundred methods to keep our body stay healthy is doing sport. There are so many benefits of doing a sport and of course for our body. Doing sport can prevent diabetes, make sleeping is better and repair brain and mood. So, why we still do not doing it? There are several causes why people are lazy to do a sport. Reason why people are lazy divided to 3 aspects. The aspects are time, environment and awareness.  

Impact of using Smartphone for young Indonesian people excessively


Human as a social being is always communicating each other. Human have created phone to make human easier to communicate someone in everywhere. Nowadays, technology has grown fast and created a gadget or known as Smartphone. The things that make this phone is different with the other phone is this Smartphone not only for calling or sending a message as like the previous phone but also to see movie, search an information on the internet, access database of computer faster than the past phone. With sophisticate applications, it brings a lot of advantages for the owner. Even if it is very useful thing but it also has the impact. Smartphone have the impact on social aspect, cultural aspect and psychological aspect for the owner especially for young people.